About Us

In order to translate Judaism into the language of the 21st century, to relay our heritage to a modern generation, educators today need more than just knowledge. They need skills, and they need training.

For over 40 years, Ohr Somayach and Ohr Lagolah have been household names when it comes to educating the future of Klal Yisrael, especially for those living in Chutz l’Aretz. With an ever increasing number of people making Aliyah to Israel, in Sept 2022, they opened the Ohr Lagolah Ramat Beit Shemesh Kollel, headed by Rabbi Binyomin Jacobson, with the specific aim of preparing avreichim to take on educational and communal leadership roles in Olim communities in Israel. Being one of the fastest growing cities in Israel, and with large numbers of olim, RBS was a natural choice for the Kollel.

Ohr Lagolah RBS offers a unique blend of advanced learning, classes preparing the participants for leadership positions in Klal Yisrael, and practical hands-on experience.

Meet the kollel

Rabbi Binyamin Jacobson, Rosh Kollel

Originally from Brooklyn, Rabbi Binyamin Jacobson has been living and teaching in Ramat Beit Shemesh for over twenty years. Growing up, Rabbi Jacobson had a close relationship with Rav Avigdor Miller zt”l, and has been spreading his teachings and influence for years.

A graduate of Mir Yerushalayim, he has edited for Artscoll (Talmud Yerushalmi and Tosfos Project) and for the Ohr Olam English Mishnah Berurah project. A talmid of Rav Yechiel Yaakovson (one of the foremost Israeli lecturers and authorities on child-raising) Rabbi Jacobson translated his chinuch classic “Spare the Child” to English.

Experienced in teaching people from all walks of life, and counselling and guiding many individuals and families, Rabbi Jacobson is known as a warm and vibrant talmid chacham who exudes enthusiasm to all those who come to learn.

Rabbi Dr Eliezer Rosenblum
Director of Development

Eliezer Rosenblum, DC, is a multifaceted professional with extensive experience in both healthcare and business. A Doctor of Chiropractic, he also holds a Smicha יורה יורה from Rav Don Chanan. After making Aliyah from New York in 2006, he has been involved in various leadership roles in Israel.

Rabbi Alter Klein

Rabbi Alter Klein is a dynamic and dedicated educator, renowned for his tireless commitment to enhancing the Ohr Lagolah RBS experience for both staff and avreichim. With extensive teaching experience across both religious and secular schools in Israel, Rabbi Klein has made significant contributions to Jewish outreach worldwide. He previously directed ACE Israel, the world’s only Torah wilderness-based high school, for five years and subsequently established the first English-speaking vocational high school in Israel. Currently, he leads Ohr Somayach’s Ohr Lagolah Program and its beginners’ program, J101. Rabbi Klein resides in Ramat Beit Shemesh with his wife and family.

R’ Mendy Stern
Daf HaYomi Maggid Shiur

Bio to come

Rabbi Moshe Jacobson
Maggid Shiur - Amud Yomi

Bio to come

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